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Introduction to Cross Media Content (WORKSHOP) Ravensbourne C.D.T programme

@ 01zero-one, Soho - Saturday April 24th 2010 9:30am - 5:30pm

This interactive workshop will give participants an overview of the opportunities and challenges presented by the changing media landscape.

They will look at the different platforms available, be given an overview or the Markets and a break down of the genres between different industries.

They will also consider what major broadcasters and publishers would be looking for in a cross platform commission and explore how audiences behave across different platforms.

This is an introductory course designed to help people engage with this changing media landscape.

During the workshop we will be covering:

An introduction to simple and complex forms of cross platform content
Current and future trends in cross platform
Looking at new devices
An introduction to the new market place
An introduction to producing cross platform
A checklist of what makes the best cross platform content.

In the afternoon participants will get an opportunity to work on a cross platform brief for an existing TV programme.