Our Social Business Activities
Recent Companies

BBC, Nesta, Royal Shakespeare Company, Unesco, BBH, Social Media Week, Nokia, Ogilvy, Pepisco, JWT, Skillset, Chinwag, NixonMcinnes, Viadeo, ICT, Brighton Festival, Pact

Case studies

Here is a few of our case studies.

Case Study- BBC -

Worked with the BBC to train and coach their suppliers in new business development.

Case Study UScreen -

We worked with UScreen to bring co-creation to designing a new digital product.

Case Study - Golant Media Ventures

Case Study - Royal Shakespeare Company

We have worked with companies to develop their business model and strategy.

Case Study - Reactickles Global

We have worked withy many organisations to help them develop a new business development strategy and process.

Mel is also the Theme Champion for Business Models and Growth for the Creative Industries (Creative KTN).